Lovely sunny fall weather in the valley so I headed out for a quick run in my new shoes with my (relatively) new and improved ankle - but it was so nice I drove back, grabbed a jacket and some water and food and headed to Forbidden Plateau.
Up the skihill to the top - I've probably taken this picture every time I've done this hike...
Little Miss Pippa
The hike up is a bit warm
Luckily it cooled down at the top - bubbles trapped under the ice
Matilda running into the puddle - if you look closely her head is at the left (ear) and the brown streak is her LF leg
Pippa on wonky bridges
I ate my Honey Stinger waffle... and got to add some blueberries... mmmm Blueberry waffles anyone?
I know, I've lost you already - way too many pictures 'n stuff for the average quick-peak-at-blogs-while-no-one-in-the-office-is-watching - but the lakes were so pretty.
What can I say? The best views for a short walk from home
Turn around time. Could have pushed on another 1/2 hour and been to the very top and back, but having been there numerous times I thought I should head out while the running was good. I did actually run all the not ridiculously steep parts - and the downs as well, which was very surprising. I stopped for photo-ops - which were numerous and possibly why I could keep running. But it could have been the magic shoes?
Amaze-balls shoes - sticky rubber, easy running with no ankle twists!
Up Forbidden to an inch of the summit in 2hrs 20, LOTS of pictures, some snacks on the way, errands before and after the quick escape - all in all a rather productive day.